International and Intercultural Relations Department

Involved in the promotion of international mobility for teachers and students.

Our Department

Since 1999, CDP Santa Maria de los Angeles has got more and more involved in the promotion of international mobility, either for teachers and for students, and especially within the Erasmus + countries, as we think that these kinds of experiences give the possibility to develop personal, social, technical and linguistic competences.
Finally, in 2009 the International and Intercultural Department was born, with the aim of creating a working group that revitalises these activities in the Centre with a European Development Plan.
Nowadays, the internationalisation of our Educational Plan complements itself with the diffusion of values and the convergence of different cultures.

Objectives of the Department

  • To strengthen intercultural education
  • To facilitate teachers’ training: foreign languages, new methodologies, management and European educational policies
  • To promote multilingualism within the Centre
  • To promote student’s traineeships in European enterprises with Erasmus + Programme
  • To develop youth exchange projects in order to improve linguistic abilities, develop emotional competencies and promote the understanding of different cultures.

Our students’ experiences

International programs

The experience of two students told first-hand by them.

European Voluntary Service

Learn about the experience of a German student who has done European volunteering with us.

Actions we promote

Between the mobility projects we promote, we also coordinate:

  • Secondary students’ mobility through Strategic Partnerships and/or Erasmus + Youth actions;
  • VET students’ mobility through the training in European enterprises and/or VET staff through the training and the exchange of good practices in educational institutions and/or European enterprises;
  • Reception of European volunteers in our Centre. In particular, every year we host two or three volunteers who promote non-formal education;
  • Participation in Erasmus + Youth projects through youth exchanges, training courses, seminars and other transnational activities;
  • Cultural exchanges in USA through CampAmerica Programme;
  • Advising to other institutions and educational centres with the objective of internationalisation;
  • Agreements with European Universities to allow our students to continue their studies with the validation of ECTS.
MLD Erasmus-SCH

MLD Erasmus-SCH

Esta semana ha arrancado la experiencia Movilidad de Larga Duración para el Estudio, un intercambio con el Liceo Enrico Medi de Sicilia, por tercer año consecutivo , cofinanciada por la Unión Europea.

Erasmus Days 2023 con el alumnado de CFGM y CFGS

Erasmus Days 2023 con el alumnado de CFGM y CFGS

Os compartimos un resumen de las actividades desarrolladas durante los Erasmus Days 2023. En esta ocasión se presentó al alumnado de CFGM y CFGS las oportunidades de este curso para realizar las prácticas en el extranjero. 🇪🇺Otras actividades

Experiencia Erasmus+ de nuestros docentes

Experiencia Erasmus+ de nuestros docentes

Tres profesores de Santa María de los Ángeles viajaron hasta el centro FaluGymnasium, en Falun (Suecia), enmarcado entre los proyectos de Erasmus+. Durante las tres semanas que duró la ecperiencia, se han establecido valiosos contactos que servirán para brindar a...

Our Training Course in 2020

Training course for teachers, school managers and international project coordinators excellence education through active learning and internationalisation

Our International Projects

Some of our international projects.

Have you always wanted to build up your own business?

We are involved in the promotion of social cooperativism to prevent and combat job insecurity and youth unemployment. We are participating in the Erasmus+ project YOUTH COOPs.


We believe a successful Erasmus + project is one that becomes central to school life and is considered highly beneficial to your school, your staff and your pupils. Therefore, all the projects we participate is part of the development/strategic priorities of the school and be supported by everyone within the school.

Excellent Education – Erasmus+

“Excellent Education KA2 Project”
7 miembros de 5 países trabajan juntos para intercambiar experiencias sobre excelentes programas de estudio para profesores y estudiantes de FP en Europa.

Conoce el programa »

Continua tus estudios en Dinamarca con matrícula gratuita

Estudia en un ambiente internacional un Ciclo de Grado Superior o un Grado Universitario en Dania Academy of Higher Education, University of Applied Science (Dinamarca).

CAMP AMERICA: ¿Listo para vivir la experiencia en USA?

Conoce este programa de Intercambio Cultural que te permite trabajar durante el verano en un campamento en los Estados Unidos. Ya estamos preparando el Camp America 2020.


Santa María de los Ángeles + Dania Academy, University of Applied Sciences

El programa de intercambio se lleva a cabo entre Málaga y Tánger, donde estudiantes españoles y daneses disfrutan aprendiendo sobre la cultura internacional de negocios.

Añade a tu ciclo un grado en Reino Unido, en UCLAN

Consigue tu grado en International Business Communication Ba (Hons). Aprovecha nuestro convenio y convalida 120 ects con la UCLAN, en sólo 1 año después de estudiar con nosotros.

Learn More

Where are we?

Plaza de Pío XII nº 2
29007 Málaga (España)
Tel: (+34) 952 308 148
Fax: (+34) 952 281 311

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